Witajcie moi Drodzy ! Dzis mam dla Was dwa scrapy, przygotowane dla 7 Dots Studio. Pierwszy z nich - `Enjoy the little things in life` to polaczenie dwoch kolekcji - Domestic Goddess z Hopefully. Jasna baze ozywilam dodajac do niej kolorowe dodatki i skrawki papierow, jest tez - tradycyjnie - sporo farby i gesso. Drugi - `Mum, play with me` to taki typowy smieciuch ;) Do jego wykonania uzylam to, co znalazlam na swoim biurku a co pozostalo po pracy nad dwoma poprzednimi projektami dla 7 Dots Studio - zatem i ta praca to polaczenie Domestic Goddes z Hopefully. Jako bazy uzylam papieru `Calm Me Down`, ktory jako baza sprawdzil sie tutaj swietnie ! Tyle tytulem malego wstepu - zapraszam do ogladania ! :)
Hello my dears ! Today I will show you my two layouts prepared for 7 Dots Studio I created my first layout `Enjoy the little things in life` mixed two 7 Dots Studio collections - Domestic Goddess and Hopefully. I added colorful embellishments and scraps of paper for the bright base. Traditionally - I used here lots of paints and gesso. My second work- the layout `Mum, play with me` was made from this all what I found on my messy desk and what left after creating my two previous projects for 7 Dots Studio. Therefore this is mix of Domestic Goddess and Hopefully again. As the base I used `Calm Me Down` paper which as a base is great ! OK, it`s enough of this short introducing - I invite you to watch the following works - enjoy ! :)
▶ ▷ enjoy the little things in life
Listy uzytych przeze mnie produktow 7DS znajdziecie na blogu 7 Dots Studio - zapraszam !
The lists of used 7DS supplies you find on the 7 Dots Studio blog.
OdpowiedzUsuńSuper cool! especial the first one :)
OdpowiedzUsuńp.s.every time I come to your blog I see a huge commercial over the 3d part of my screen :( and I dont know how can I turn if off
oops, I don`t know what this could be :(( but I will check this and will try resolve ! :*
OdpowiedzUsuńbig thank you girls !! xoxo
OdpowiedzUsuńUbóstwiam Twój tłok dodatków, pięknie!