
small but perfect /Prima

Czas na nowa grudniowa edycje primowego PPP - zobaczcie jakie wspaniale kolory mamy tym razem --
It`s time for new Prima December PPP - have a look how wonderful colors we have this time --

I moj scrap z wykorzystaniem kolorow z grudniowej palety [oczywiscie, jezeli tylko chcecie, mozecie uzyc w swoich pracach produktow tutaj pokazanych, lub kolorow, lub kolorow i produktow ! :) po prostu bawcie sie dobrze ! :) ].
And here is my layout with using colours from December`s palette [of course you can use products showcased here to create your project or colors from palette or both of them if you want ! just have fun !]

small but perfect

Prima Supplies:

Songbird `Tag-it` paper #844073
Rosarian `Constance` paper #844530
Doodle-Deux `All-Overs` paper #843984
Wood Buttons Zephyr #559311
Poppies & Peonies Donna Downey Studios Mask #922153
Clear Stamps Romance Novel #559427
Clear Stamps Firefly #560799
Alphabet Stickers Romance Novel #558987   # 559120
Zephyr ` Tempore` paper #844486

Sciskam ! :*
Hugs ! xx

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